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Career Paths

The Master of Advanced Study (MAS) in Criminology, Law and Society prepares graduates for leadership positions in a range of fileds such as corrections, law enforcement, social services, probation/parole, and a variety of public administrative roles.  Students graduating from this program are positioned for career advancement as well as further academic endeavors.

Graduates from the program will be well-prepared for careers in a variety of agencies including (but not limited to):

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • District Attorney's Offices
  • Police Departments
  • Crime Units
  • Probation Agencies
  • Parole Agencies

They work in a range of fields including (but not limited to):

  • Clerks of Courts
  • Appellate Lawyers
  • Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • Psychologists
  • Educators
  • Social Workers
  • Case Managers
  • Court Liasons